Our Surface Cleaner and Laundry Detergent get the jobs done!
Use the surface cleaner on all nonpermeable surfaces in your kitchen, bathroom or reflective surfaces like windows and mirrors. Spray on a dust-free cloth and wipe away spots and streaks. Works especially well on counters, ovens, and fixtures. Made of hydrogen peroxide, water, and essential oils, it is pure clean.
The laundry detergent covers 32 loads in each 2 lb bag. We even sell 9lb bulk bags of this for large families and bulk buyers if you contact us directly. We have had excellent reports from those who use this in presoak water or mix it with a little water as a stain scrub. One product, lots of uses. Made of borax, washing soda, and baking soda, it would make your grandparents proud of your choice and frugality!