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Easy Non-Toxic Life Tips

Lisa B
  1. Read Labels to avoid controversial chemicals. Try this: Take any common product from your cleaning shelf and google each ingredient to see what it does, how it's made, and the effect on the body with exposure.

  2. Make your own non-toxic cleaners. Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda are three inexpensive and multipurpose ways to start. Google terms to use: homemade, 5-minute recipes, easy alternatives, etc.

  3. If you don't have time to make your own alternative cleaners, buy from a company (locally preferred) that discloses all ingredients and avoids common toxins.

  4. Avoid products with synthetic fragrances. Look for products that use essential oils or products labeled "fragrance-free."

  5. Avoid antibacterial products. There are dangerous ingredients in these products allowed in the US that are banned nearly everywhere else.

  6. Keep fresh air flowing in your home as often as possible.

  7. Purchase home goods that have low to no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). Frequent offenders are carpet, shower curtains, and paint.

  8. Use non-toxic alternatives for flea and tick treatments, pet bathing, and parasites.

  9. Look for recyclable, reusable packaging and plastics that are BPA-free. Better yet, purchase as many products as you can that allow you to use your own containers.

  10. Regarding food, the general rule is the least amount of packaging or processing that food has, the better. Simple things like shredded cheese or some spice mixes have additives that are not healthy or necessary. Five minutes of shredding your own block of cheese or mixing up some spices can save your body from more things you can easily avoid while adding $ to your wallet.

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